Jennifer Rochlis, PhD
Board Chair
Dr. Jennifer Rochlis has spent her career bridging the sciences with the human element and strives to bring that synergistic approach to her clients. She is the President and CEO of Advancing Frontiers, a consulting company providing spaceflight integration services. Previously, she was the Vice President for Products and Chief of Solution Architecture at Teledyne FLIR, and in her 20 years at NASA, she was a Division Chief in the Human Health and Performance Directorate, a Branch Chief in the Engineering Directorate, and an Associate Director of Human Resources. She received her B.A. in Physics at Mount Holyoke College, her M.S. and Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
She has authored numerous publications and book chapters in the areas of human factors engineering, human-machine interfaces and artificial Intelligence, telerobotics, bioastronautics, and human systems integration - including the agency-wide NASA Human Systems Integration Practitioner’s Guide. She also has 15 years of non-profit board experience, and is currently on the advisory board of Exosonic, Inc, as well as the Women’s Aerospace Network. She is a STEM career mentor and active speaker in the areas of human-systems and leadership. Her company, Jennifer Rochlis Coaching & Consulting, provides individual clients and executive teams with integrative coaching towards both personal and professional advancement.