Dana Levin

Dana Levin, MD

Medicine Division Chair

Dr. Dana Levin has dedicated his life to supporting human health in space and other extreme environments. He is board certified in Emergency Medicine and Aerospace Medicine and has more than a decade of experience caring for humans on all 7 continents, beneath the sea, and in space.

He currently serves as the Medical Director and Chief Flight Surgeon for Vast Space. In this role he is part of a team building the first commercial space station and developing artificial gravity systems for long term human habitation of space. Before this he worked for NASA as a Clinical Scientist for the Human Research Program developing methods to assess medical risk for deep space missions and designing the medical systems to mitigate them. He was the clinical lead for NASA’s artificial intelligence clinical decision support task force.

As a terrestrial physician Dana maintains an active clinical practice in Emergency Medicine and holds faculty appointments with UC Irvine, the Massachusetts General Hospital, and Baylor College of Medicine. He has cared for patients in every clinical setting from single physician coverage rural hospitals in Wyoming to tertiary care medical centers in some of the largest US cities. He has been the field physician for high altitude expeditions, underwater archeological expeditions, research stations in Antarctica, and every environment in between.

He is also an accomplished researcher and scientist with work focused on enhancing the ability to deliver high level care in resource limited environments and developing artificial gravity systems.


Kimia Seyedmadani


Jacob Bleacher